It was easy to trip over the sunshine. The blinds as open as they were. Like rouge toenails left to wallow in the fresh laminate. It's always habit. Until it's vice.
In the obstacle course from which we reference our affections there are only buttons. Coming undone. Hope's arthritic fingers struggling with that stiff spot near the collar.
Necks exposed to broken the zippers. That wear us when we're too young. To count. How many windows are required.
To see. What isn't there.
It was early. Too early to wake up. When the bed shook us out like so much dandruff.
I couldn't have been more ready to lose. Or more unprepared to win.
Whatever it was that might've been the prize.
11/10/2006 11:28:00 PM
Love the title and although the words in this one could be construed as depressing, I found this really quite affectionate.
Your post reminded me of the one time long, long back when Ma had asked me to help her zip her frock; didnt know I still remembered it. Love what you do with your words.
thanx Ruk. hmm... strange. i thought all my words are depressing. not just these. ;-)
de.vile: thanx to you as well. i checked out your site. interesting. i'll be back again.
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